This time last year, I was filling out the last of the application materials for my study away program, located in Rabat, Morocco. I knew it would be no walk in the park. The Arab Spring uprisings, threatening violence and upheaval even in typically stable Morocco, had me crossing my fingers that the program wouldn’t be cancelled before my flight took off. My advisor was against it, though she signed the papers amid talks of a “plan b” and “looking at options”. She may have known a little of what I would face, but for me there was no “plan b”. I didn’t want a walk in the park; I wanted a challenge-and I got one.
Category Archives: 02 (February) 2012
The February 2012 Issue of Frankly Speaking.
A Safe Conversation Space
At the beginning of high school, I had the feeling I was gay, and I was very worried about this possibility. I had seen flamboyant gay men on TV and heard about bear culture [overweight, hairy gay men that are usually dressed in shiny black leather and chains] from friends who knew the internet. I did not feel that I had much in common with these people. I felt misrepresented and confused. If I was not “gay,” how could I be gay? By the end of the year, I was more convinced I was gay, and with this realization I had to resolve the disconnection between my idea of myself and what I knew about “gayness.”
The Struggle for Good Enough
I was angry. I was right. And as usual, it didn’t make a bit of difference.
We were building a woodshed to earn our keep, and my father Rick and I were each adamant about our own, contradicting design decisions. My way would make the roof stronger. His would get the job done faster. Either way, our materials were poor salvage and the sun was too hot.
And Rick’s way was wrong.
Announcing Extended BOW Shuttle Hours
Last semester, Thomas Dugger applied for a grant from the Mellon Foundation with a proposal to run a pilot of an extended shuttle service between Olin, Babson, and Wellesley Colleges.
With the money received from the foundation, extended shuttle services are being offered from Monday, January 30th until Sunday, February 19th. When riding during these extended times, please be sure to sign in—if there is enough demonstration of interest from students, the change may become permanent.
Social Media “Gurus”
Spelling it Out
A Candid Conversation with Aaron Hoffman
Aaron Hoffman’s office is sparse but lived-in, with a few chalk and crayons drawings on the wall, courtesy of his young daughter. The bookshelf is full of mathematics texts in various colors, and the table is laid with a draft of a problem set.
Originally from a New York suburb, Aaron comes to Olin via Swarthmore, Brown, and Boston University. This is his first teaching post, and he’s spent the last year and a half fostering mathematical enthusiasm wherever it presents itself,and his passion is obvious. Though he answered many of my questions with seeming reluctance, Aaron spoke with exclamation marks when I asked him about math.
Movie Review: The Artist
The best film I’ve seen in a long time was black-and-white and (mostly) silent. You might think those adjectives apply only to movies made before the 1930s, but this one was created and released in theaters in 2011. Its endearing characters and compelling plot have won over critics and audiences alike, making a strong case for the continued relevance and interest of silent films.
Rubber Soul (The Many Uses of Rubber Bands)
Make a motor with your Legos
Preserve the freshness of your Eggos
Shoot at strangers, start a riot
Extra fiber in your diet
Attach a cell phone to your ear
Make a marker for your beer
Stretchy leashes for your dogs
Protect your pants leg from bicycle cogs
Revamp your shoes with cheap new laces
Add some pain to your mouthful of braces
Play catch with a bouncy rubber ball
Make a net to catch your fall
Use scissors and glue to make some art
Hold things together when your life falls apart
Keep the Saran wrap on things you cook
Mark your place in your favorite book
Lace them together to make a strong cord
Keep all the things in your truck bed on board
Pass the time in any old place
Keep them around your left wrist just in case!
Horoscopes by Drunk Editors
Aries (March 21-April 19): The cosmic plane has a kind of weird stain in your corner. Review your notes, and check your math. This is your stupid month. Especially for dating. Just don’t do it. You’ll only fuck it up. Take time for yourself. As in, you’re single for a reason.
Taurus (April 20-May 20): Authorities may need persuasion, so articulate the benefits of your point of view. You might need to get persuasive, if you know what I mean. Provide excellent service with the finest ingredients. Additionally. Prepare for later lunch, because of that class that always runs late.