Green Space: Choosing The Rails

Green Space is a column dedicated to sustainability-related writing, initially written from 2012-2014 and revived in 2023.

Olin has been home to plenty of brilliant engineers working on novel green technologies, but I believe we can’t just engineer ourselves a sustainable future without significant changes to how we live our lives. Many luxuries we have become accustomed to are only possible because of exploitative, extractionist, environmentally unfriendly practices, from cheap industrial meat to 2-day shipping to fast fashion. To build a truly sustainable future, we need to be willing to adapt our consumption habits.

One significant aspect of our lives where overconsumption has become the norm is air travel. Cheap fares incentivize us to jet off to Europe for a conference or the Caribbean for spring break. If we are to live a sustainable future, we must consider traveling with intention. Embracing slow travel by utilizing green transportation, practicing mindful consumption, and engaging with local businesses, peoples, and cultures will allow us to create a future of travel that is environmentally and socially sustainable.

I spent the Spring 2024 semester in Copenhagen, Denmark, taking courses in sustainable cities and transportation. My classmates hopped on flights to a different European capital each weekend, but I wanted an alternate way to experience the continent. My reputation as a train-lover precedes me at Olin, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that dedicated my breaks to exploring Europe by train. Throughout the semester, I covered about 7000 miles by train, from the far northern reaches of Norway, Sweden, and Finland to the Mediterranean in both Barcelona and Venice. The allure of these trips was largely in the trains themselves and in the pure joy of watching beautiful landscapes pass by the window. On my trip to Norway, I took 11 trains, 6 buses, and a boat. I followed my curiosity wherever it wandered. I saw and experienced so much along the way that I never would have if I had just flown north and booked a hotel. By taking the train, I emitted just 3% of the carbon dioxide I would have otherwise, spent about the same amount of money, and was able to engage with and gain an appreciation for the countries through which I traveled.

My travel abroad was pretty extreme because I wanted to experience as many trains as possible, but the true strength of slow travel comes when you design your travel around destinations that are a more reasonable distance away. My core course while abroad, Sustainable Development in Northern Europe, traveled by train to Stockholm for our study tour week, which took about 6 hours. I am confident that my class learned just as much on our trip as the other section of this course that flew to Spain. We had an amazing week, without so much as stepping foot on a plane.

How can you put this into practice in your life? Olin students and faculty engage in all kinds of exciting research work, so it is common for members of our community to travel to conferences. This kind of travel is incredibly valuable to the academic experience, an opinion likely shared by families who donate to send students to networking conferences and Olin administrators who sign off on grants to send delegations to present research. However, directly-financed air travel accounted for 7.18% of Olin’s total emissions in 2021.

Not all conferences are created equal, and sometimes there are few options for relevant conferences. However, we must consider location if the goal is to reduce the carbon emissions caused by academic travel. Choosing a conference with a medium-distance flight rather than a long-haul flight significantly reduces the impact of attending. My Olin research group attended the 2023 OCEANS conference, two of which are hosted each year. In 2023, the conferences were hosted in Biloxi, Mississippi and Limerick, Ireland. Our group of 3 student researchers attended the Limerick conference. If we had flown to Mississippi from Boston, we would have generated almost exactly half of the emissions that we generated by flying to Ireland. Looking back, I realize that I could have had effectively the same conference experience with half the same carbon impact. Even better, we could have sought out a closer conference that we could attend without flying.

Now, you’ve chosen a conference closer to home, great! The easiest way to further reduce the impact is to substitute ground transport instead of a flight. For conferences in cities with rail service, the barrier becomes the cost or convenience of booking a train. Let’s take the 2024 Society of Women Engineers conference, to be hosted in Chicago, as an example. One option is to attend the local conferences, but let’s focus on the national conference for the sake of this article. Most Oliners wouldn’t consider anything besides air travel to attend this conference, but please entertain me for a moment. Amtrak runs a once-daily service between Boston and Chicago, known as the Lake Shore Limited. The train stops at Framingham Station and terminates at Chicago Union Station, making it a convenient end-to-end journey. I will admit that the train isn’t particularly quick, departing Framingham at 1:30pm and arriving in Chicago at 10:15am the next day (a travel time of 21:45). However, Amtrak offers both seats and sleeper cabins for this journey, albeit at a premium compared to airfare. Choosing to fly this route instead of taking the Lake Shore Limited emits at least 6 times as much carbon dioxide. 

What is the role of Olin administration and others who fund this conference travel? What if we were willing to subsidize students and faculty who prioritize sustainable transportation when traveling to conferences? Incentivizing rail travel by making up the cost gap is an opportunity for the college to make good on our sustainability ambitions.

By choosing conferences closer to home and choosing to minimize the flights necessary to reach them, we can become more mindful consumers and reduce the carbon emissions associated with our academic and professional careers. This is not a call to never attend distant conferences, but merely an encouragement to consider the impacts of your travel as you make these decisions.

You can apply these same principles to your leisure travel. I fell in love with long-distance train travel during my semester abroad, but there are many other ways to embrace slow travel as you explore our amazing world. Instead of jetting across the world for spring break, consider hopping on a train to Montreal, the Adirondacks of upstate New York, picturesque coastal Maine, historical Philadelphia, or any number of other destinations. I guarantee that a train journey to any of these places, especially with a group of Oliners, will forge lasting memories. You may even fall in love with train travel as I have.

Next time you are planning to travel for leisure, academics, or work, I hope you consider slow travel and experience for yourself why to choose the rails.

Green Space: Why I Am Not An Environmentalist

I am not an environmentalist.

I do not disavow the label because I enjoy tweeting about the emissions of my personal car collection out of irrational hatred for a young Swedish activist. Like everyone else, I recognize the existence of climate change, and I know that recognition is not enough.

No, I am not an environmentalist because an environmentalist forgets that the climate crisis is fundamentally a crisis of injustice that cannot be fixed by recycling harder. I am not an environmentalist because an environmentalist believes that if only everyone cared as much about some romanticized notion of the colonized outdoors as they did, “we” would stop exploiting the “environment”.

An environmentalist cannot see that the climate crisis is not a lack of awareness by the many but an abuse of power by the few; yet an environmentalist blames the greed of the few on the individual shortcomings of the many.

As Michael Maniates writes in ”Individualization: Plant a Tree, Buy a Bike, Save the World?”, “when responsibility for environmental problems is individualized, there is little room to ponder institutions […] or the ways of collectively changing the distribution of power”.

An environmentalist has forgotten, to bring in Jessa Crispin, that “for something to be universally accepted, it must become as banal, as non-threatening and ineffective as possible”. And so “environmentalist” is comfortable and easy to those in power—indeed, it is couched in power, it originates from power, it hides that there are certain individuals and institutions reaping profits from this crisis, who would very much like to continue doing so with market-based wishful thinking.

In its meaninglessness, environmentalism obscures power with compostable plastic straws and one billion trees and organic sustainable beeswax wrappers.

Environmentalism is steeped in whiteness and the idea that climate change is the most important issue, the issue we can fix first and then address those other things like racism and sexism and homophobia, which have been happening forever anyway so just wait a bit longer okay? An environmentalist cannot understand that the only way we address the climate crisis is by addressing the legacy of imperialism and the white racial order. An environmentalist cannot draw a connection between polar bear habitat loss and Manuel Esteban Paez Terán’s murder in Atlanta’s Cop City.

In the depoliticization of environmentalism it has become universal, so universal that people like Jamie Dimon of Chase Bank can claim the label. Dimon states that “climate change and inequality are two of the critical issues of our time” while pouring billions into new fossil fuel infrastructure through Chase, against the absolute deadline imposed by science that we had to stop building new fossil fuel infrastructure two years ago.

Recognize that any new infrastructure will be responsible for the avoidable loss of so many lives and livelihoods, and wonder whether we are really building this new infrastructure because of supposed individual shortcomings, or because all of our systems are set up to extract every last drop of carbon on this planet. Remember who benefits when the sky turns orange and soot chokes our lungs.

We cannot forget that we are the perpetrators of this climate crisis. I do not mean your styrofoam cup is causing the climate crisis. I mean that the institutions of the Global North that enable my livelihood and privilege, our systems of extraction and exploitation of the many for the benefit of the few, are also causing unimaginable suffering to people around the world whom I will never see and never know, the people who have done the least to cause this crisis.

If by declaring myself an environmentalist I forget that fact, then I am not an environmentalist.

Inspired by Jessa Crispin’s Why I Am Not A Feminist: A Feminist Manifesto

Green Space: Waste of Time?

What happens to your waste once you toss it in the bin? No really, do you know where it goes? Not just “where is the incinerator,”, but who touches it? How much of your recycling is actually recycled? Where does your left-over food go? 

Environmental Consulting at Olin (ECO) is a class dedicated to making sustainability-minded change at Olin. This semester, ECO is working to reform our waste systems, specifically in Milas Hall and the Campus Center. Over the years, Olin’s waste management programs have evolved in various ways. In 2017, compost bins were introduced to the dining hall, allowing for the sustainable disposal of pre- and post-consumer food waste and vastly scaling up from our previous on-site composting operation. Over 7 years ago, recycling at Olin switched from multi-stream to single stream. Remnants of the old system can easily be found in the plethora of dissimilar recycling bins around campus, many labeled as “bottles and cans” or “paper” when they all currently end up funneled into the same recycling truck. 

Every night, Olin’s amazing custodial staff do their rounds through the buildings on campus, unlocking every office door and checking their trash and recycling bins. The trash and recycling are then brought back to the loading dock in the Campus Center and tossed into their respective dumpsters. The dining hall compost bins are also brought to the loading dock and prepared to be picked up. Throughout the day, between delivery vans and contractors, Olin’s recycling, compost, and solid waste vendors open the loading dock door, reverse into the dock, and truck our waste away. Our compost, for example, is taken by CERO Cooperative, who process it into soil that can be used at local farms. 

Although cost-per-ton for composting is higher than sending our food waste out with the trash, ECO has identified a few important reasons to expand Olin’s composting program to beyond the dining hall. Recently, Massachusetts has lowered the threshold of organic waste allowed in the trash, meaning that Olin must increase our composting. We have also learned that custodial staff take out the trash bins in the campus kitchenettes, no matter how empty they are, in case they begin to smell. By creating a separate compost receptacle that can be easily accessed, the odorous organic waste can be covered and easily emptied. 

Compost in Milas Hall and the upper levels of the Campus Center would be a significant improvement. However, the core change ECO would like to make is removing the need for custodial staff to go into each and every office. When faculty and staff can empty their own office bins into convenient, well-labeled centralized bins, including a separate receptacle for organic waste, they can reduce unnecessary labor for their colleagues. Our goal is to organize trash, recycling, compost, battery recycling, and e-waste receptacles into centralized waste stations. These will be convenient locations where all members of the Olin community can easily tell which bin their waste belongs in. We also anticipate that by adding additional streams, we reduce the total amount of waste that makes it to the incinerator. In Fiscal Year 2019, 61.53% of our waste was incinerated, with only 18.81% recycled and 19.15% composted. By giving people convenient alternative disposal options, we hope to divert more of this waste from the incinerator to compost, recycling, and e-waste recycling. The ECO class has been hard at work researching, communicating with various campus stakeholders, and designing this new waste system. Soon, you can expect to see a limited pilot of our new bins, at one location in each of Milas Hall and the Campus Center. Please utilize these bins and let us know your opinions on the new system, as nothing is set in stone and we would love to hear feedback from the Olin community. To provide feedback, please send an email to Brooke Moss at

Green Space: Winter Cycling is Not an Extreme Sport

From 2012 to 2014, Frankly Speaking included a column entitled “Green Space,” dedicated to sustainability-related writing. In an effort to revive this column, the Frankly Speaking team would like to solicit applicable pieces from the Olin community. If you have any questions about contributing to the column please contact In our first edition of the new Green Space, I have published my final opinion piece from Sara Hendren’s Architecture and Urbanism course.

Even on the most pristine and sunny summer day, American cities are by no means known as cycling-friendly. This is largely due to inadequate cycling infrastructure in American cities. This inadequacy is a detraction in summer months and completely debilitating in winter months. In order to understand the shortcomings of cycling infrastructure, it is helpful to understand the phenomenon of winter cycling. When I was in high school in suburban Western Massachusetts, my bike would routinely be amongst maybe a dozen others, at a school of 1000 students, in a town only 4 miles across. When the temperature dropped in late fall, so did the number of bikes on the rack. By the time the first snow of the winter fell, my bike was the only one left.

It’s easy to assume that the reason for this dropoff is the cold temperatures. However, researchers in Scandinavia have found that in cities with cold winters, temperature has a near-negligible effect on whether folks choose to cycle. Additionally, as much as New Englanders love to bemoan their cold winters, it really doesn’t get all that cold here. In fact, New Englanders frequently don a variety of warm layers and venture into the outdoors to ski or partake in other winter activities. With a simple choice of a few different weight jackets to layer, and a good hat and gloves, cycling in winter is downright comfortable. By the time I got to school, I was usually sweating, stripping off my outer layers as I walked across the school parking lot. Especially if you already enjoy other winter activities, I highly recommend trying winter cycling; I find it to be both a rejuvenating and very practical endeavor.

So if the reason was not the temperature, why were so few of my peers riding their bikes to school? To understand this, it’s important to zoom out to the fact that only around 1% of the students bike to school even on warm days. As with many American suburbs, the town of Longmeadow, Massachusetts is designed for personal automobiles above all else. The main roads in town regularly have speed limits of 40 miles per hour and only a few streets have a painted bicycle gutter. If you are not familiar with the term “painted bicycle gutter”, it generally refers to a breakdown lane or road shoulder that has bike lane icons painted on the road, but offers no further protection or separation for cyclists. Even on the most pleasant of days, it is downright dangerous for cyclists to exist in these lanes, as they often give drivers a false sense of separation from cyclists, and cyclists a false sense of safety. In addition, vehicles tend to take liberty parking in the bike lane as if it was a normal shoulder, forcing cyclists to go around. The gutters are also frequently littered with potholes, sand, broken glass, and sunken drain grates. In the winter, these problems are amplified, as plow trucks push snow into towering snow banks… situated squarely in the bike lanes. These snow banks persist even as most of the other snow melts, continuing to obstruct the bike lane.

So if the bike lane is too dangerous and blocked with snow, the other options for cyclists are the sidewalk and the vehicle lanes. There are a few problems with riding on sidewalks. First and foremost, having cyclists sharing that real estate with pedestrians is dangerous for all involved. Pedestrian encounters aside, suburban sidewalks are generally the responsibility of the homeowner to clear of snow, breeding a patchwork of cleared and uncleared sections that can be exceedingly difficult to navigate. If the snow is even somewhat deep, this can even become impassable. In addition, when riding on the sidewalk, I have frequently arrived at a cross-street only to realize that the road plows have created a snowbank on the corner of the intersection that reaches taller than me. Climbing over these snowbanks, with a bike aloft, is just another reason for winter cyclists to avoid suburban sidewalks.

If not the sidewalk nor the road shoulder, cyclists are forced to ride in the vehicle lanes. This is a very dangerous endeavor, not least because when cars drive over snow, they pack it down into ruts, which then freeze. These wheel marks then become icy and function as slippery speed bumps to bicycles. On top of these winter-specific dangers, riding amongst motor vehicles is inherently dangerous, given the significant speed disparities and the need to merge and cross lanes of fast-moving traffic.

When looking at them individually, it’s easy to feel as if these problems with winter cycling doom it to forever be a daring and dangerous pursuit, not for the faint of heart. To allow for safe cycling in the winter, cyclists need options for safe passage that can also be properly cleared of snow. Dedicated cycling infrastructure comes in many forms, including protected or grade-separated bike lanes, standalone cycle routes, and traffic-calmed roads designed for automobiles to move slowly and co-exist with cyclists. The city of Oulu, Finland provides extremely well for winter cycling, as 20+% of all trips in the city are taken by bike, on average over the entire year. For their winter cycling to be as good as it is, they maintain a network of dedicated cycling routes with over 4 meters of bicycle path per resident, and in the winter keep their routes in optimal condition for cycling. With a network like Oulu’s, cycling is a safe and convenient way for residents to get where they need to go, and often the cycle routes act as shortcuts relative to the roads.

Of course not every city and suburb can become Oulu, as existing infrastructure makes it difficult to build the kind of shortcuts, dedicated routes, and underpasses that make Oulu’s system so outstanding. However, we can still learn from them and other cities that have found cycling success, winter or otherwise. By adding parked cars, jersey barriers, grade-separation, or other protection between vehicle lanes and bike lanes, replacing a vehicle lane with a two-way cycle track, and seeking opportunities to construct cycle routes detached from automobile infrastructure, we can build a strong backbone of safe cycling. By learning from Oulu’s commitment to keeping its bike routes clear and in rideable condition, we can keep our own cycle routes clear in the winter, making winter cycling a safe option for everyone.

I imagine a future in which New England cities like mine have school bike racks that look like Oulu’s, where 52% of trips to school and university are made by bike, even throughout the winter. To attain this future, I believe it important to understand winter cycling as a microcosm of the local cycling climate: if people feel unsafe cycling in the winter, our cycling infrastructure is unsafe year-round.

Green Space

greenSpaceThere has been a lot of talk recently about insects being the new sustainable source of protein, as they have a high nutritive value and a ubiquitous presence. However, there is another source of sustainable protein that is being produced daily and thrown away without a second thought. The human placenta, the organ that connects the fetus to the uterine wall, can be cooked, sliced, dehydrated, encapsulated into a pill, or frozen in small chunks that can be blended into a smoothie.

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Green Space December 2013

Green Space is for anyone who wants to contribute to or learn about green initiatives at Olin and the world. Want to submit an article about green initiatives? Please do! Want to learn how you can make a difference in your own life or at Olin? Easy!

Please, read on and listen well, because, you know, this is your world too.

Is your meat habit killing the planet?


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Green Space: Dumpster-Diver’s Dilemma

greenSpaceco-authored by: Maggie Sue

Everyone at Olin has come into the dorm lounges only to find themselves surrounded by piles of bread, post-Valentine’s day candy, pizza, and other miscellaneous foods. There exists a small group of Oliners who regularly collect these treasures from local stores that run low on shelf space, find packaging imperfections, or dispose of food nearing its sell-by date. However, there is much more to this practice than happily collecting a dumpster’s contents.

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Green Space: Life in the Context of Development

greenSpaceTake a bucket shower. Better yet, take a bucket shower in a small tub with no drain. Feel how much water is needed to cleanse your body as the weight of the bucket in your hand diminishes. Note how filthy you are capable of becoming without ever noticing, and wonder how the dirty water feels so refreshing on your feet, swollen from walking miles on uneven grounds. In this moment, this bucket of water is my most cherished treasure.

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Sustainability Skill Sharing

april2013_skillshareIn an ever more technologically complex world, we struggle and strive to understand the vast supply chains and innovate. Not often enough to we step back and think about what we know that is simple and tangible. We are all teachers and we are all students.

Collectively, we have an incredible amount of life experiences and knowledge that has taught us and shaped us. On Saturday April 6th Olin will be hosting the Three-College Skill Share. It is a day of workshops, discussions and expos around the idea of learning and teaching practical skills to reduce our impact on the environment.

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Green Space: March

greenSpaceBikes are better than cars. They are touted for their health benefits to both the individual and the planet, but those arguments are cliche and unheeded. Though more exist, I use two facets of bicycles to justify my riding and hope that you will too.

The first is that of scale. Simply put, bikes are on the human scale. Remind yourself that power lost to wind, which accounts for 90% of a vehicle’s mechanical effort, is related to a body’s frontal area and velocity-cubed. Bikes are on the order of the ideal size, in that making a bike smaller would have little effect on the frontal area of the rider-vehicle system.

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