Honor Board MadLibs

Cases before the Honor Board are wide and varied. Topics range from personal differences and academic dishonesty to misuse of public materials. Above all, the Honor Board is a means for Olin Community members to work out their differences safely and confidentially.
Find a friend and fill out the MadLibs in the paragraphs below to learn about a past case.

This month’s MadLib is loosely based on an Honor Board case released Spring 2012 about lying to group members to avoid a meeting. You can read the original case, as well as several other abstracts, in the Honor Drive (\\fsvs01\StudentGroups\HonorBoard\Abstracts).

____________ (Name 1) and ______________ (Name 2) were working on a four-person group project for _____________(name of Olin class). In general, the dynamic of the group was ________________(negative adjective): group members often _______________ (past tense verb) during meetings, and frequently missed class work time. Shortly before one particular group meeting, __________ (Name 2) sent an email to the group saying that he would not be able to make it due to a conflicting _____________ (noun 1) for a group project in another class.

The next day, _____________ (Name 1) was talking to a friend, and it came up in conversation that the friend had seen _______________ (Name 2) ________________(imperfect tense verb) during the time of the previous night’s meeting. ________________(Name 1) later talked to ________________ (Name 2)’s partner for the other class, and learned that there had been no conflicting _______________ (noun 1) scheduled for the other class. _______________(Name 1), believing that _______________ (Name 2) may have lied about having a conflict, submitted a report to the Honor Board.
In an interview with the Investigative Team, _______________ (Name 1) explained that her goal was not to punish _______________ (Name 2), but to allow him to _______________ (verb) upon his actions and ______________ (verb) their effects on others. She also noted that the ______________ (noun) as a whole had not been functioning well, and no one had tried to initiate a discussion on improving team dynamics.

____________ (Name 2) was charged with violating the Respect for Others and Integrity clauses of the Honor Code. During a meeting with the Investigative Team, _______________ (Name 2) accepted responsibility for the charges and expressed regret for his actions. The Investigative Team _______________(past tense verb) the case to have merit for ______________ (plural noun), and thus sent the case to hearing.
As ______________(Name 2) accepted the responsibility, the hearing panel went straight to the ____________ (adjective) phase and decided ____________ (preposition) the following sanctions: a _____________ (noun) to _____________ (Name 1) addressing how his actions ________________(past tense verb) his group members, Professor _________________(Name 3) was asked to take the case into account in the grade given for the assignment, and _______________ (Name 2) was given a disciplinary warning.