The question posed last time was: “Who is someone at Olin you appreciate a great deal, and why?”
I appreciate the people who go out of their way to smile at you every time they pass you between the dorms and the dining hall. There are a few of them around campus, and they always brighten my day. – Anonymous
Jean Huang. She has so many students under her wings at her lab, helps students get started in research, and shares with them the amazing world of microbes. She also shares this passion through the pickles and jams co-curricular, in which she and students make pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, jams, butter and chocolate sauerkraut cake. Lastly, as busy as she is, she doesn’t let that keep her from smiling and laughing, and I want to be like her when I get older. – Anonymous
This isn’t a particular person, but the R2s in general are people I appreciate a lot. They’re awesome role models, friends, and people overall, and I’m super grateful to have them around. – Anonymous
I think Graham and Trevor, in addition to just generally being awesome and approachable, have made large, visible efforts to improve the Olin community in a way that they found important. – Anonymous
Oscar Mur-Miranda. No matter what, Oscar always greets me (and everyone else) with a huge smile. He brightens my day and has been incredibly helpful to me in the past as well. – Anonymous
Keep your eye out for September’s question, to be sent out in August.