- People keep repeating certain numbers and you don’t know why.
- A team is working together to solve a near-impossible task.
- You have no idea what’s going on.
- People keep falling asleep.
- Some things feel purposefully ambiguous.
- Time feels like it’s moving much slower than it actually is.
- You have to keep track of so many confusing things that you feel like you’re losing it.
- People are constantly asking themselves “how did I get here?”
- You’re still confused after someone tries to explain what’s happening.
- Things are happening very quickly and you feel that it would benefit from slowing it down so you could understand it better.
- You think you get it. Wait, just kidding, no you don’t.
- Even after the end of it, you still have so many questions.
Answer Key:
QEA: 1-12
Inception: 1-12