Editor’s Note: This reading list was curated over Build Week 2020 by those attending and moderated by Louise Nielsen and I (Erika Serna). Link to the reading list is <tinyurl.com/readbuildweek> which has links to the articles.
A place to share media that are good reading for other Build Week participants! Please look at the Code of Conduct for Build Week to determine if something is appropriate to add.
Moderated by Louise Nielsen ‘19.5 and Erika Serna ‘21 (please reach out with any concerns).
We ask that you include content warnings (CW) in your listings so readers can decide what they want/are able to engage with. The following is a list (in progress!) of example types of content that would be important to note:
- Any type of abuse or violence, specifying the type (sexual, child, physical, etc)
- Sexist, racist, ableist, and/or classist exploitation
- Homophobia or transphobia
- Severe mental health issues (for example, depression, grief, self harm, and/or suicide)
- Drug use, alcoholism, or substance abuse
If you’re on the Build Week slack, there’s a channel for discussion (feel free to leave comments on this doc too) – we’d love to hear your thoughts on these articles!
Again, please add more (template at bottom)!
- A Modest Proposal for a Fair Trade Emotional Labor Economy (Centered by Disabled, Femme of Color, Working Class/Poor Genius) (Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha)
- CW: mentions of sexist/racist/ableist/classist abuse and exploitation, nothing too detailed or graphic
- We’re working on building community and building Olin’s community for the future and emotional labor is a huge part of that! Let’s make sure we approach this in ways that are accessible, equitable, and inclusive.
- https://www.bitchmedia.org/article/modest-proposal-fair-trade-emotional-labor-economy/centered-disabled-femme-color-working
- Teaming with Disability Accommodations (Elizabeth Doyle ‘16)
- CW: mentions of depression, grief
- Interviews conducted and compiled by Elizabeth Doyle ‘16 as her AHS Capstone. These are actual Olin student experiences dealing with disability, disclosure, accommodations, and teaming, as well as a moving forward section.
- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1n2i5T45iRVpiCYpXLdnnbmPu1G8ePg6h/view?usp=sharing (also available on Public, probably, and a paper copy may soon be available in the library)
- Three Thoughts on Emotional Labor (Clementine Morrigan)
- CW: mentions of sexual violence
- Questions to ask to accept emotional labor ethically. Important to read because emotional labor is such a fundamental part of community building
- http://gutsmagazine.ca/emotional-labour/
- Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System (Donella Meadows)
- How to identify the best places to intervene in a system.
- Web: http://donellameadows.org/archives/leverage-points-places-to-intervene-in-a-system/
- PDF: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B03IGKNYckPxR1RaOGhtSVlEMFk/view?usp=drivesdk
- The Missing Stair (Pervocracy)
- CW: explicit discussion of sexual violence/rape
- A blog post urging people to call out/acknowledge the bad people in their communities, instead of just working around them.
- http://pervocracy.blogspot.com/2012/06/missing-stair.html?m=1
- Design with Disability (Mara Mills and Rebecca Sanchez)
- Article about design activism and the Access + Ability and The Senses: Design Beyond Vision exhibits in Cooper Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum
- https://www.publicbooks.org/design-with-disability/
- Guidelines for Disability Advocacy (Erika A. Serna ‘21, Louise Nielsen ‘19, Sam Daitzman ‘22, and Adva Waranyuwat)
- These guidelines were made with some Build Week 2020 projects in mind but are important to keep in mind in general whenever working on a project that centers around or touches disability. It includes items on how to make projects/events more accessible for others.
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fYVSlBFr_pg571zWi6djuTNepQInEQTV4nTb4-yPUTk/edit#heading=h.cjxwp3xkpwhe
- Title[hyperlink] (Author(s))
- Content warnings
- Description/why you should read it
- Longform link