Build Week Reading List

Editor’s Note: This reading list was curated over Build Week 2020 by those attending and moderated by Louise Nielsen and I (Erika Serna). Link to the reading list is <> which has links to the articles.

A place to share media that are good reading for other Build Week participants! Please look at the Code of Conduct for Build Week to determine if something is appropriate to add.

Moderated by Louise Nielsen ‘19.5 and Erika Serna ‘21 (please reach out with any concerns).

We ask that you include content warnings (CW) in your listings so readers can decide what they want/are able to engage with. The following is a list (in progress!) of example types of content that would be important to note:

  • Any type of abuse or violence, specifying the type (sexual, child, physical, etc)
  • Sexist, racist, ableist, and/or classist exploitation
  • Homophobia or transphobia
  • Severe mental health issues (for example, depression, grief, self harm, and/or suicide)
  • Drug use, alcoholism, or substance abuse

If you’re on the Build Week slack, there’s a channel for discussion (feel free to leave comments on this doc too) – we’d love to hear your thoughts on these articles!

Again, please add more (template at bottom)!