Foundations of World View

Last month, I presented you with three questions that form your world view: “How did we get here?” “What is wrong with the world?” and “How does it get fixed?” I argued that these questions are fundamental to how you understand the world, that your answers affect your very identity, and that we each have answers, even if unarticulated.

Now I would like to share the answers I have found in hopes that you might understand my world view better and consider whether it accurately explains the world in which we live.

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Foundations of World View

Ideas shape your life and the world you live in, from how you spend your days and nights, to where you work, and what political or social causes you support. The ideas that you hold affect every part of your being, even if you are unaware of it. Because the ideas that you hold are so fundamental to who you are and how you see and interact with the world, it is critical to wrestle with these ideas. Your ideas have consequences; you need to know if those consequences will be good or bad. Indeed, at some point, you may find that you need to question and revise the very ideas that have shaped your identity. Eventually, you will need to grapple with your answers to three critical questions: How did we get here? What is wrong with the world? How does it get fixed?

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