Dear First Years,
Welcome to Olin! We’re so excited to have you join our community, and we look forward to meeting you all over the next few weeks. But before you all get busy with problem sets and projects, we’d like to introduce ourselves. We are CORe.
What is CORe, you ask? CORe stands for the Council of Olin Representatives – a fully elected council which represents the student body to the administration of the College. CORe is comprised of 13 dedicated students who have volunteered to help improve life at Olin. We are the “movers and shakers” – the changers – the people who get things done. We examine issues facing the student body and do whatever we can to make our classmates’ dreams a reality.
Unlike any other group on campus, CORe has the authority to make recommendations to the administration on behalf of the student body. We appoint student volunteers to faculty and operational committees, like the Dining Task Force or the Curriculum Innovation Committee, where the administration has requested student representation. We also have a budget which we can use to improve student life, fund student initiatives, and make capital improvements to spaces around campus. Most people think of us as the student government at Olin (although the “Student Government” is actually a separate larger organization of which CORe is a part – feel free to reach out to us if you want to learn more!).
CORe is structured a little differently from most student governments. We have 3 executives who organize our activities and serve as primary points of contact, 5 specialized representatives who each represent the student body to different departments in the administration, and 5 class representatives who represent the interests of each class. Now, 5 may seem like an odd number, but there is a method to our madness. The specialized representative positions are open to students from any graduating class, and most of the elections occur in the spring before the first years have arrived on campus, so to compensate for first years being unable to run for those positions, they have an extra class representative.
Now that you understand how CORe is organized, here are the members of CORe for the 2015-2016 school year. (First years, the election for your representatives will be happening soon – stay tuned!) Let us know if you have any questions about CORe, if you need help reaching out to the administration, or if you have a cool new idea you want to share. We work for you, and we’re here to help!
Ian Hill
Vice President for Communications
Kevin Crispie
Vice President for Finance
Logan Sweet
Representative to Operations
Mariko Thorbecke
Representative to Marketing and Communications and Development, Family, and Alumni Relations
Manik Sethi
Representative to Admissions and the Office of Student Affairs and Resources
Ellie Funkhouser
Representative for Curriculum and Faculty
Jamie Gorson
Representative for Intercollegiate Affairs
Maggie Jakus
Senior Class Representative
Lauren Froschauer
Junior Class Representative
Subhash Gubba
Sophomore Class Representative
Not yet elected
First Year Class Representative
Not yet elected
First Year Class Representative
Not yet elected
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