Service Activity Updates at Olin!
Doctors Without Borders: Olin Community
The $9,719.62 from the SERV auction has been officially donated to Doctors Without Borders to help them deliver emergency medical aid to those in conflict, epidemics, and disasters – such as the most recent Nepal earthquake.
E-Disco: Led by Doyung, Aditi, Cecelia & Toni
Have been designing and leading weekly designing activities with JFK Elementary School in Jamaica Plain throughout the semester
Held engineering workshops: Wellesley STEM Expo, Storybook Engineering, Discovery Museum, Disabilities Design and final Saturday Workshop!
Annabel, Paul, Shreya and Mary will join the leadership team in the Fall and they are figuring out future activities
Oxfam Hunger Banquet: Led by Aaron Greiner and Anisha Nakagawa
Talk by Doug Rauch, Olin Trustee member and former president of Trader Joes, on founding the Daily Table, which will bring affordable nutrition to the underserved in our cities by recovering excess food and selling it at low-cost
Hunger Banquet to promote discussion around hunger worldwide
The Food Recovery Network: Led by Mackenzie Frackleton with GROW
Partnering with the Food Recovery Network to donate uneaten, prepared food from the dining hall to the Salvation Army to combat both wasted food and hunger
Currently scheduling the first date for donation!
Reusable Travel Mugs in the DH: Led by Ruby Spring, Celina Berkins, Anisha Nakagawa and Aaron Greiner with GROW
Working to have travel mugs available in the DH to reduce the number of disposable cups used
Will be looking for volunteers to help collect mugs from bins in the dorms and AC in the Fall
Red Cross Blood Drive: Organized by Michael Resnick
Olin community helped around 99 people when 44 community members donated blood late March!
Peer Advocates: Team of Twelve Students; Led by Ellie Funkhouser and Jessica Diller
The Peer Advocates team has been busy selecting next year’s new PAs, getting training (and some orientation activities!) ready, and planning community outreach and involvement events.
Teaching 5th Graders: Gabrielle Ewall and Mitch Cieminski
Finished up teaching fourth grade students cryptography in Math League; lessons covered: Caesar ciphers, RAE encryption, and Scytales
Vecna Cares Robot Race: David Elkan, Mitch Cieminski, Alex Crease, Celina Bekins
Built a robot to participate in a robot race hosted by Vecna Technologies. All proceeds benefit Vecna Cares Charitable Trust, a non-profit dedicated to better health outcomes around the world through better technology solutions.
Blankets for Project Linus:
All blankets are completed thanks to EH1’s study break and various blanket adopters (Philicia, Celina, and Susie)!
“Earn-A-Bike” at Bikes Not Bombs: Rosy as an Adult Instructor
Teaching bicycle mechanics and social justice theory and practice to youth, who build a bicycle from the frame up over the course of the program
Upcoming Activities to Look Forward to!
Big Brothers Big Sisters College Campus program beginning September and October 2015 – Questions? Please contact Michael Searing at
Do you participate in service-related activity within or outside of Olin? If so and you would like your work to be included in Service Updates in future Frankly Speaking issues, please email & .