Once upon a time, one of Olin’s goals was to expand from a student body of 300 to a student body of 600. This was eventually dismissed, but Olin has not stopped growing in other ways—to the point where we are almost running out of space!
The SCOPE program and BOW (Babson-Olin-Wellesley) activities are expanding. Room scramble this year was been pretty tight. In fact, triples were even considered (but rejected) as a last minute alternative to host incoming students. Foundry activities and some SCOPE projects will be accommodated on the Campus Center 3rd Floor, with several offices moving over to Edison. PGP has moved to the lower floor of the library after some construction this past summer, and some of the books were relocated: Past journals have been moved to storage, or were recycled since they are available online (I personally “de-covered” over 600 of them), and fiction books—you first years will probably notice—now occupy the second floor of West Hall, where 2015’s “Classy Lounge” used to be.
This may be frustrating or confusing at first, but just remember: Olin is an ongoing project and we are committed to change. It is happening—avoiding it will not solve the problem of much needed space.