May Compliments Corner

We have such an awesome community and I’m so glad that these compliments can highlight and celebrate that. Hope you enjoy! 

Hi Evan! Thank you for being such a wonderful person to lean on when I need someone to talk to. Thank you for always being supportive of me and letting me bounce my thoughts off of you. You’re such a good soul. I know you’ll go far :)

Hannah is a magical human who manages to cheer me up whenever I see her! This is true both in the everyday, and especially when I’m sad and need a shoulder to lean on. Thank you, Hannah.

Diego Alvarez is the first Oliner I ever met, and he made me feel, and still makes me feel, welcome and accepted at Olin. He can also spin fire like no tomorrow, and I will always aspire to that level of awesome.

Kyle Combes is such a gentle soul. He makes me feel loved and listened to, and continues to bring me joy whenever I see his face, even if it is over video chat and not in person.

Evan New-Schmidt is one of my favorite people. I think he really embodies what it means to be an Oliner: He is a very capable engineer, but also cares deeply about the community, always seems to have time for the wacky shenanigans that just scream ‘Olin’. He’s a super genuine and kind person and I find him very inspiring

Lucky is probably the strongest person that I know. He is the embodiment of work hard, play hard, and whenever things get tough, Lucky always steps up to the plate and doesn’t give up until the job is done, and I respect that so much

Rachel Won is a people person, and she’s just so passionate about… everything. Truly inspiring.

Kian, I cherish every REEEEEEEEE you’ve shared with me

Anna has such a great energy to her! Also 10/10 good barber

To my partner in all sorts of things: thank you for being you. You are incredible.

Anil is super hard-working, technically experienced, patient, and has been a great mentor and role model for me. Thanks for all you’ve done for me and the formula team <3

Has there ever been as smart and perceptive an Oliner as Ava?  I doubt it.

I cannot fathom how Caitrin does all the things she does, and at such a high level.  I want to be Caitrin when I grow up.

Mark Somerville is The Real Deal.  Seriously, people, I cannot fathom an Olin without him.  We are so, so lucky for his leadership.  (Never leave us, Mark!)

WAY TO GO Presidential Search team!  You ROCK!

Sharon Breitbart is the most unsung hero of Olin.  No one here appreciates her enough, but I DO!  Thank you for your amazingness, Sharon!

ERD?  Best of the best.

Carlos, thank you for being a fantastic friend, I appreciate you so much

No one knows what Lauren Taaffe does, but the whole college would fall apart without her.  Thank you, Lauren!!!

Sarah Spence Adams totally gets it.  All of it.

Thank you to Jon Adler for totally having our backs through all this messiness.  What would Olin be without you?!

Libby is a goddess nerd.

Rob and Jean – you have been so supportive of students during this time while still providing engaging class time. I always look forward to six microbes class <3

Prisha Sadhwani is such a kind-hearted and warm human, who’s always looking out for her friends, even mid-pandemic :)

Carlos, thank you for stepping up so hard when the class of ’22 needed you. I know you had all your own personal stresses to, and everything you did was way beyond the scope of the position you signed up for, but your energy never faltered, and you worked so selflessly hard, which I appreciate endlessly.

Erhardt, you inspire me every day. I think you’ve helped me find purpose and guidance and I’m so immensely grateful to you. I hope that I can be even a little bit like you!

William Derksen is very cute

Meg Ku – you impress me with all the crazy amazing things you accomplish, keep it up girl!

Micah has the best hair, always

Sam Daitzman, you bring me so much joy. Thanks for being my frienddd <3

Sam Young is an absolute legend

Who can? Emma Pan

Kristin I miss u so much <3 love you, even (and especially when) you’re being sassy

Jordan, thank you for all the free hug Fridays. You give the best hugs!

Dylan — your thoughtfulness and amazing ability to listen always makes me feel at home around you

Blake: you have a great sense of humor, and you always make me feel comfortable being who I am

Emma W, you’re such a wholesome kind of crazy!

Dhara: you have such a big heart I love you

AT, I’m so lucky that you are in my life!! I love how wacky you keep things and I love vegetable charades and worm-y karaoke! Can’t wait until we are back together in person!

Thank you to Olin administration for caring about everyone’s mental health as well as physical

Emily T. has been amazing as a MechSolids professor and I appreciate her daughter’s guest lectures

Katie Goldstein is such a bright and radiant person

I miss hanging out and laughing with George

Skye’s zoom backgrounds always make me laugh

Shreya. That’s it that’s the compliment no explanation needed

Jasmine never fails to make me laugh

Anusha absolutely killed it as SG president and we all love and have so much appreciation for her

I’m always so happy to see when Kristtiya sends a video to the class groupchat

Maya A. is a kind and passionate soul that inspires me

Anil is a dope MechSolids NINJA that I really appreciate

Shirin is a caring and loving person

Reid is a pun god

Anya is always super cheerful and makes me happy to be around

Meg Ku you’re such an amazing and kind hearted person! I’m so happy and honored to be your friend

Nathan W – your determination and hard work inspires me all of the time!

Elias you never fail to make others smile!

Lynn Stein – thank you for being such a guiding light for me and so many people in our community. I appreciate you endlessly!

Reid you’re such a wonderful soul, always caring for everyone with infinite patience 

annie chu – you’re honestly such a badass and an incredibly hard worker

Maal! You’re such a endlessly sweet person, and also just have such an amazing aesthetic please teach me

Thank you to everyone who wrote kind words to me about this and in the form. I appreciate you so much and my heart is so happy!! Thank you thank you thank you!

            — Maia

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