Many of you probably don’t know that Frankly Speaking was originally created three years ago as a means of fighting back against censorship by the Olin administration and promoting open dialog within the Olin community. As such a small school with a relatively small body of administrators as compared to the average college, it is not always easy for us, as students, to get our messages across to the right people. Often, I hear students expressing frustration about something without knowing any obvious path of remedying that frustration. Frankly Speaking hopes to bridge the divide between the students and the administration and to provide a forum for communication about issues facing our community.
In addition to helping resolve the divide, I am a part of Frankly Speaking for some slightly more selfish reasons. I love walking into the dining hall for breakfast on publication day and witnessing the characteristic hush that has fallen over everyone as they read the newest issue. The only thing better than that hush is to hear that hush transformed into engaging conversation as students begin to discuss the issue with their friends and peers at their table. Sometimes the conversation is even revisited with professors, administrators, and classmates. This newspaper creates a common thread between everyone at Olin, including both faculty and students, which would not otherwise exist. Knowing that I had a hand in this connection is very empowering, to say the least.
Fortunately and unfortunately, Frankly Speaking cannot exist without staff and contributors. All of the content you see in this issue was created by your peers, who thought they could contribute ideas that would be relevant to you. I do not believe it is in the spirit of Frankly Speaking for me to simply write extra content to fill space just because I want to print a paper. Nor do I believe it is in the spirit of Frankly Speaking for me to pressure people into producing content.
I want you to choose to write because I know that you have something interesting to say. The content you contribute may take any form, from personal stories to commentary, poems to drawings; there are so many great things to write about and so many manners in which you can contribute. Each and every one of you has unique passions and viewpoints. I’m sure that all of you could sit down for 20 minutes (the length of time you might spend procrastinating on Facebook or Reddit every day), get up on your soapbox, and write 500 words about something that you feel passionate about.
Write because you love it, write because you want to share, write because you want your friends to be discussing your awesome ideas – regardless of your reason, just write.
Article Ideas
- Need something to write about? Here are some ideas.
- Personal stories
- Current events
- Olin reactions
- Updates on Olin events
- Interview anyone:
Staff members!
Leaders of different organizations - FWOP reviews
- Cool things everyone should know