Welcome back, everyone! The SERV board is incredibly excited for another great year as we support, encourage and recognize volunteerism, in case you forgot where the acronym comes from. Beginning this semester, we will be publishing an article in Frankly Speaking each month to keep you better informed about our accomplishments and upcoming events.
First, I’d like to introduce the board this year. We have changed the structure of the board and are in the process of rewriting our charter, which you should be hearing more about in the next month. The SERV board now consists of the chair Ariana Chae, the vice chair Daniel Leong, the manager of finance and records Emily Guthrie, and general members Hayley Hansson, Amanda Sutherland and Michael Searing. We will be electing two (2) more general members this fall, one of whom has to be a first-year student, so if you’re interested in joining our wonderful team, you should let us know! (Our contact details are at the end of this article, so you should probably keep reading.)
As we kick off the semester, here are a few events that you should be aware of:
9/8 – Jimmy Fund Walk. We have a great team of 11 walkers, and we’ve set a new record by raising $6,627.40 so far, which is awesome! We are accepting contributions until November if anyone wants to donate.
9/12 – Elections. We will have our applicants give speeches at the end of OIE, and then send out ballots for the school to vote on the two open general member positions. We welcome all students to apply for the positions, and we strongly urge the student body to be informed voters!
9/29 – Race for the Cure 5k. Every year, we have a team of Olin students who walk or run the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure for breast cancer. We will reimburse students $10 each for the cost of registration, and we’ll have sign-up parties soon. It’s a lot of fun so everyone should consider joining the team!
As always, SERV is here for you, and we are always open to your ideas! Email us at serv@olin.edu, join the CarpeSERV mailing list for updates about spontaneous community service opportunities, and follow us on Twitter @olinserv to get the latest update on upcoming events.